Needed for the tab:
-Guitar with humbucking pickups for fatness, however you strat guys can still play it just fine.
-Guitar tuned DOWN 1/2 step
-Whammy bar could be used during solo
The intro to this song is a classic double bass drum riff, but the guitar part doesn't start until after that. The main riff is pretty simple, just make sure to palm mute the notes on the low E-string. Alternate picking is key to this main riff. It's quite hard to play it all with downstrokes, and I'd say impossible, but I've seen someone do it with all downstrokes, however it put a huge strain on his wrist.
The verses' riffs are all pretty straightforward. Nothing challenging.
Once you hit the bridge, make sure you let the whole thing RING OUT. It's supposed to sound open like that.
During the interlude, there is a tricky finger position for the notes on the B and G strings. All I can say is, practice it SLOWLY at first to get accuracy. These chord voicings do sound slightly odd, so don't be alarmed if it sounds strange.
During the solo intro, there is yet another Randy Rhoads octave, when he doubled the part one octave lower. I personally play the part on the lower octave part, because that's my preference, however you may play it in the upper if you want. Its your choice.
Coming into the 5th bar of the Solo, you should play this with a sweep picking motion of the first 3 notes. For example: You should play the first 3 notes of the run all with a downstroke. As you pick one note to the next, lift your fingers off of the strings so as not to let the notes ring out and get that clear, concise sound, so it doesn't sound muddy.
After the bass and rhtyhm guitars stop playing, and its just the solo guitar playing, the first riff, Randy later siad in an interview, is the only real riff. The rest of it is just whammy bar stuff. However, when I tabbed out the file, I put it so that it were all played out, which you can do. I tried doing the whammy bar effects, but they wouldn't sound right. This is why I did it this way.
After the solo, you go back through the verse and bridge parts. Then you come into the Interlude part again. Again, the same notes apply that are written above.
Coming into the outro riff, you should treat it just like the 5th bar of the solo, with a sweep picking motion on the first 3 notes.
Enjoy the tab!