-Tuning: All guitars on the recording are in standard tuned down 1 full step: D G C F A D. In addition, Gtr. I, II & III are in Nashville Tuning, meaning that strings 3 - 6 are replaced with the octave strings from a 12-string guitar. So the tuning is the same (D G C F A D), but the D, G, C, and F will sound 1 octave higher. At a certain point in the song, 2 tracks of guitar without the nashville tuning, and there are 4 guitars going simultaneously on the same part until the end of the song.
-The intro:
This is a little flamenco style technique, Which Elliott also used for an intro peice he would play before performing 'LA'. The right hand technique is notated in the tab, but it's still somewhat tricky if you've never done this kind of fingerpicking before. The key is to get the thumb patterns down first... after that, take a look at the melody played on the 1st string. it isn't so important that you play the high melody note for note as far as rhythm... I noticed when transcribing that on various bootlegs of performances, there is some subtle variation as to the placement of those notes. I finally nailed by getting a sense of how the melody should sound, and then just ignoring the transcription.
Picking patterns for the rest of the song:
The remainder of the song should be done with the thumb and first finger exclusively. Follow the right hand markings, and you should get the hang of it... Just loosen up a bit during the chorus.