Verse I
Small. A speck in the wide blue
sea. 'Tis the last of all the land.
A dweller upon our lonesome
isle, the last, lonely man?
Verse II
Oh weary night, under stars,
he'd lay and gaze.
Up towards the moon and stars.
The suns dying haze.
Time and again, Orion's light
filled our man with joy.
Within the belt, he'd see his love,
remembering her voice
Such is life upon the isle,
of torment and woe.
One day good. One day bad.
And some days, even hope.
The light at the end of the world
burns bright for mile and mile
Yet tends the man, its golden glow,
in misery all the while?
Verse III
For fifty years he stands and waits,
atop the light, alone.
Looking down upon his isle
the Gods have made his home
Verse IV
A deity felt sympathy
and threw our man a light
'Your woman you may see again,
for a single night.
'I'll tend the light, for one more night
with the woman whom I love',
screamed the man, with tearful eyes,
to the deity above.
And so it was that very night
his lover did return.
To his arms and to their bed,
together they did turn.
In deepest love and lust and passion
entwined they did fall.
Lost within each other's arms
they danced
Intrludes Verses
Her hair, long and black it shone,
The dark, beauty of her eyes,
Olive skin and warm embrace,
her memory never dies.
Agony, like none before,
was suffered by our man
Anger raged and misery too
like nothing ever before
Verse VI
His sacrifice was not so great,
he insists upon the world.
Again he would crime,
Again he would pay,
for one moment with the girl
Verse VII
Long was the night filled with love.
For them the world was done.
Awoke he did to brightest light,
his woman and life had gone.
To his feet he leapt. To the sea he looked.
To the lighthouse on the stone.
The price is paid and from now on
he lives forever alone.
Fifty years have passed since then
and not a soul has he seen.
but his woman lives with him still
in every single dream.
'Tis sad to hear how young love has died
to know that, alone, someone has cried.
but memories are ours to keep.
To live them again, in our sleep