- standard tuning.
- This score contains the parts Jon Brion played on a chamberlin, which is basically an early mellotron keyboard. It adapts pretty well to guitar. Towards the end of the song, the part became too low in the mix for me to tell what was going on, so 8 bars or so are ommitted. By this point in the recording, Brion was just bashing around anyhow.
- The bass score contains the piano and string parts. It occurred to me that most people would probably not try to play these parts on guitar, So i didn't worry too much about playability... In most cases you would have to divide up the high and low melodies. Or... you could just play the standard notation on a keyboard of some kind.
-To accommodate some of the low string notes towards the end of the song, i shifted the part to another guitar (Gtr. IV), with it's E string tuned down a full octave. Again, just follow the standard notation, and you'll be fine.