down a half-step to Eb!
metal world! This is Andre Hartoonian here 2 1from the L.A. thrash band HeXeN who used to play 0 /with Warbrin
ackk innn theee dayy when the 7 6Southern California thrash scene was just a baby. I'm 9 8really p
of the guys and since I love their music I ; :thought I'd share it with all of you! Don't crucify me if 6 5so
the runs in the solos incorrect, some of the 4 3drums fills are too quick to catch, or some of the 9 8b
nes are too low-endy to decifer! Just jam out the 9 8riffs and have fun! Oh and don't forget t
ck out my 4 3band, long time thrash frontrunners HEXEN, we have 5 4our 13-track debut album out on OSM Rec
and for 4 3sale almost all over the web if you just google us. ) (thank
ryone! support thrash metal!!! . Living in a whirlwind! Spiraling out of control! In the eye of the s
Disconnected, from the world you were born Cheating death, just to get your fix Cannot survive, its the end of t
ne They look you in the eye and all they see is an empty stare Living like a rat, you choke on your
despair Still you're sinking l
each day more desperate You hide below the surface, waiting for the end ESCAPE Must escape Ridden wit
stress that YOU CAN'T TAKE Arrgh, must escape Not time to turn back, FAR TOO LATE Can't escape E
hing around you, ceased to make sense Waiting until your time will come... To pass Look into the mirror at what
to be your face A ghastly visage you don't recognize, gone without a trace Wasted [Lead: Laux] WHIRLWIND!