"effect" tracks are simply there to simulate the heavy, heavy delay used during the recording process.
blature is nowhere's near 100%, as the thick, ; :layered guitars make it quiet difficult to discern al
6 5the effects and noise in the background that adds to 6 5the texture of the song and melody. However,
ing : 9that in mind, this is
very close. I'm actually not ; :sure if the string section is even there in the song, but 5 4the previous tabber
them, so I decided to keep :
believe the string track and even the 4th guitar 8 7track to be a distorted guitar with LOTS of r
and 7 6delay, possibly even tremolo picked, to create a kind < ;of swell. It doesn't matter any
cuz if you're going to 3 2cover the song, that's not one of the tracks that 6 5people would really be able to latc
o. Cheers. - Justin. d Ø
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