down a half-step to Eb!
metal world! This is Andre Hartoonian here 2 1from the L.A. thrash band HeXeN who used to play 0 /with Warbrin
ackk innn theee dayy when the 7 6Southern California thrash scene was just a baby. I'm 9 8really p
of the guys and since I love their music I ; :thought I'd share it with all of you! Don't crucify me if 6 5so
the runs in the solos incorrect, some of the 4 3drums fills are too quick to catch, or some of the 9 8b
nes are too low-endy to decifer! Just jam out the 9 8riffs and have fun! Oh and don't forget t
ck out my 4 3band, long time thrash frontrunners HEXEN, we have 5 4our 13-track debut album out on OSM Rec
and for 4 3sale almost all over the web if you just google us. ) (thank
ryone! support thrash metal!!! d Ø
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