down a half-step to Eb!
metal world! This is Andre Hartoonian here 2 1from the L.A. thrash band HeXeN who used to play 0 /with Warbrin
ackk innn theee dayy when the 7 6Southern California thrash scene was just a baby. I'm 9 8really p
of the guys and since I love their music I ; :thought I'd share it with all of you! Don't crucify me if 6 5so
the runs in the solos incorrect, some of the 4 3drums fills are too quick to catch, or some of the 9 8b
nes are too low-endy to decifer! Just jam out the 9 8riffs and have fun! Oh and don't forget t
ck out my 4 3band, long time thrash frontrunners HEXEN, we have 5 4our 13-track debut album out on OSM Rec
and for 4 3sale almost all over the web if you just google us. ) (thank
ryone! support thrash metal!!! × Descending! Into madness Sanity falling away Nothing remains from the
you have known Enter the realms beyond the gate Twisting masses taking form beyond the murky black A scream brea
e silence and the skies begin to crack Eyes burst forth from the body Their whispers seared into your
Beckoning your descent You stare into the void and it calls your name... Twisting masses ta
form beyond the murky black Severed from reality, impossible to turn back Souls held captive, wither awa
die Sickening screams of horror rend the affrighted skies Trapped in the path of an oncoming STORM Looking behind
yes of the dead Empty walls with no way out Lost inside this... SEVERED! d