This tab wouldn't be possible without the exceptional
work of Zach Spickenreuther, whose original tab I
heavily drew from. I was able to figure out most of the
guitar parts thanks to his tab, which can be found at:
Also, thanks to the anonymous tabber of what, for a
long time, was the only PDA tab. This person's tab
helped me get the chorus correct. Check it out here:
Lastly, the bassline wouldn't have been here if it
weren't for Micturion's bass tab. It is here:
I do not take credit for these transcriptions, even
though the tabs here are altered slightly. My goal was
to create a complete tab of PDA, and the
aforementioned tabs have finally made it possible.
Drums and vocals were tabbed by me. I am thrilled to
finally know how to play my favorite Interpol song of all
time, and I hope my work here has helped. Thanks.