down half a step to Eb!
s perhaps the most difficult of the songs to + *really get down simply because nothing is 6 5straigh
ard riffs or leads... you have your main 6 5clean chord progressions which are the most audible, 9 8the jazzy d
(was a bitch catching all of the little 8 7hits, rolls, and rudiments I might add), and the bass. 3 2The rest
ver, are more or less all backg
0 /elements to add to the eerie atmosphere of the 9 8instrumental. I would not be surprised if many things I
:tabbed the rhythm guitars play
re not in reality what 9 8they seem to be. But, in general, it sounds pretty damn 7 6close to the ge
makeup of the song, enjoy fellow warbringers! Instrumental d
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