I started to tab that intro on guitar but its too hard to get the pickscrapes and dives and such to sound good without jeopardizing the integrity of the way he plays it. So i'll leave it up to you all. When he first comes in hes just scraping his pick on the low string over the pickups about middle section, just try to hear the sounds hes makin because im sure he never does it the same way everytime live. Least he hasnt when ive seen them play it. The rest is just feedback and A. and natural harmonics with bar dives. If you have a good backing band nobody really notices what your doin anyway because they're flowing. 1 more thing about the timing it gets off alittle because of ritardation and acceleration that occur when not following an actual metronome during recording which most bands dont. So it might not play right along with the actual recording but its close as possible without getting too picky.
Guitars all tuned 1/2 step down from standard E
Ef, Af, Df, Gf, Bf, Ef
same tuning except synth and drum track they are standard E