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"This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
MSB Forum: MSB Competitions, Topic: "MSB
Competition Mar/Apr 2005 **Official Topic**".
The Piano is only there to be something for the
background (except for the acoustic part) and outro,
cause honestly it fucks up the song. But In the
background and Outro its great. The Chorus is a bit
strange, i love it. it gives you the epic effect. You don't
really need the fourth guitar: Rhytm. Its cool anyway.
The Solos/Lead Parts are Possible to play, no doubt
about it. They are hard, even for me, as the "inventor"
of these solos but they are possible. Really Simple
drums as you can see, they are this simple cause i
dont want the song to sound to "heavy". I've Really
worked hard on this project, i hope it shows. Not only
the project i mean this song and i am very happy about
Its actually a strange song. Acctually, it might even
satisfy lawofthewest, cause ehe wanted something
different right? But its great. It kicks ass.
Turn up your volume, Sit down and Enjoy. This song
will make your eyeballs bleed, no idea why though. : )
Enjoy, and please Comment!
Before you post your comment, please listen to the
whole song and don't, i repeat, do not under any
circumstances jump from part to part, that can ruin the
whole song and the differentials in the song. So please
listen to the whole song. Thanks
I have been inspired by many bands to make this
song. Please Enjoy, and Please Comment
This is the first song of my little project called "The
Silence". Somewhere if i am ever going to record
a few songs. (as i probably will) this will be a
released demo, This song and maybe 1 or 2 others so
stay tuned.
Fun Facts.
This song took me 17 Hours to compose.
Finished: 15:49 CET -> 2005-01-15
I made the "original" (base chords, etc..) song in 3
days. 18 movies the seven days before, call it
- Ocean's Twelve
- Troy
- National treasure. Etc...
Re-made, Shortened at 2005-01-28 at 15.51 CET
Once again, Re-made, pieces added at 2005-02-12 at
22.30 CET. Finishing Touches at 20005-02-23 at
22:27 CET. Once again Re-modeled, change
etc... at 12.58 CET at 20005-02-25. Thanks for
listening, please comment
Goran Filipovic