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Xasthur Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 12 results

There were two acts that used the name 'Xasthur', one hailed from the United States of America and the other, from Singapore. Both belonged to the black metal genre. 1. Xasthur was an American one-man ) band formed in Alhambra, California in 1995 by Scott Conner, who goes by the pseudonym "Malefic". Although similar in terms of low-fi production and the wearing of corpse paint, musically and lyrically Xasthur's focus is usually not on paganism, Satanism or anti-Christian blasphemy – as is common in the genre – but rather on astral projection... .

Genre: Black Metal, Depressive Black Metal, Suicidal Black Metal, Ambient Black Metal, Usbm

Black Imperial Blood : Xasthur

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    691
Nocturnal Poisoning

Walker of Dissonant Worlds : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 3   627
To Violate the Olivious

Sigils Made of Flesh and Trees : Xasthur

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    571
The Funeral of Being

Screaming at Forgotten Fears : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 4   568
To Violate The Oblivious

A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors : Xasthur

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    556
Nocturnal Poisoning

Conjuration of Terror : Xasthur

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    548
Xasthur / Leviathan

Arcane and Misantrophic Projection : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 7   507

Malice Hidden in Surrealism : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 4   502
Subliminal Genocide

(Blood From The Roots Of The Forest Pt 2 : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 5   487
The Funeral of Being

Nocturnal Poisoning : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 6   429
Suicide In Dark Serenity

Sigils Made of Flesh and Trees : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 5   418
Scott 'Malefic' Conner
The Funeral of Being

Malice Hidden in Surrealism : Xasthur

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 4   390
Subliminal Genocide
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