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Violent Work Of Art Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-5 of 5 results

Self -proclaimed industrial-electronica-jungle-death metal. Violent Work of Art is an industrial metal band from Sweden. Violent work of art has been around since late '94, starting out as a Metalcore act. After two self-financed five-track albums, the line-up changed and the music transformed into a more industrial sound. During the years the sound has become more and more aggressive yet melodic.

Genre: Industrial Metal, Industrial, Metal, Electronic, Death Metal

The Worst is Yet to Come : Violent Work of Art

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 7   134
The worst is yet to come

Wasted : Violent Work of Art

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    132
The Worst is Yet to Come

Different Problem Same Solution : Violent Work of Art

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    110
The Worst is Yet to Come

As the sky comes falling down : Violent Work of Art

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 1   108

Reasons to Hate : Violent Work of Art

Guitar Pro Tab v4
Tracks: 6   83
The Worst is yet to Come
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