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Vindictives Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results

The Vindictives are a Chicago-based punk pop group formed in 1990, and were active through 1996. They are peers with Screeching Weasel, The Queers and other bands from the era, they are also heavily-influenced by the Ramones. Joey Vindicitive's characteristic nasal melodies often told the story of alienation, psychosis, social-ills, and contiunally rejected rules of politeness. The lyrics are often intelligent outrages communicated through intentionally immature self defeating soliloquies.

Genre: Punk, Punk Rock, Pop Punk, Pop Punk, Ramonescore

Assembly Line : The Vindictives

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    163
Liquid Paper, Volume 2

Spring Valley Shopping Mall : The Vindictives

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    156
The Many Moods of the Vindictives

Alarm clocks : The Vindictives

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    150
Curious Oddities And The Bare Essentials
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