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(August 8, 1937 – November 12, 1987) was a singer-songwriter, poet and actor who was born in IJmuiden in the Netherlands but moved to Sweden with his parents in 1949, at the age of twelve. He trained as a social worker and hoped to become a journalist but became instead a musician whose idiosyncratic humor and social engagement are still gaining him new fans. Cornelis Vreeswijk explained in one of his few interviews that he had taught himself to sing and play in the fifties by imitating his first idols Josh White and Leadbelly. .

Genre: Swedish, Singer Songwriter, Folk, Visor, Trubadur

click here : Cornelis Vreeswijk

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 3   97

Pills Demons Etc : Cornelis Vreeswijk

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 3   95

She Mine : Cornelis Vreeswijk

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 4   93

Gravedancer : Cornelis Vreeswijk

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 2   84

American Man : Cornelis Vreeswijk

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 4   84
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