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Lillian Axe Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-7 of 7 results

Lillian Axe is a rock/glam metal band founded in the late 1980's in New Orleans. The most well-known lineup of the band was Ron Taylor (lead vocals), Steve Blaze (lead guitar), Jon Ster (rhythm guitar), Darrin Delatte (bass), and Gene Barnett (drums). Poetic Justice was their most successful album, which hit the streets in January of 1992. Fueled by the hit single, "True Believer" and followed by their cover of the Badfinger classic, "No Matter What", Poetic Justice reached the upper 100 of the Billboard album charts.

Genre: Hard Rock, Hair Metal, Glam Metal, 80s, Melodic Rock

Poetic Justice : Lillian Axe

Power Tab v4
Tracks:    2,309
Stevie Blaze//Stevie Blaze
Poetic Justice

The Day I Met You : Lillian Axe

Power Tab v4
Tracks:    2,218
Steve Blaze/Steve Blaze/

Nobody Knows : Lillian Axe

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 6   502
Lillian Axe
Out of the Darkness Into the Light

Dyin To Live : Lillian Axe

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    308
Poetic Justice

The Day I Met You : Lillian Axe

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    283
Live 2002 (disc 2)

The Promised Land : Lillian Axe

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 9   268
Poetic Justice

She Likes It on Top : Lillian Axe

Guitar Tab
Tracks:    267
Love + War
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