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Foreground Eclipse Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-1 of 1 results

Official site Foreground Eclipse was a doujin circle founded in Japan in the spring of 2008 by Suzuori (Guitar and Bass) and Merami (Vocals).The line-up was later completed by Teto (Drums and Screams) who had joined in the autumn, and at about that time the band was named Foreground Eclipse. However, in early 2011, Suzuori left Foreground Eclipse. He had later been replaced by Siym. They started making arragements of Touhou music in emo/screamo style in 2009, and also writing original songs. They released eight demo CDs, an EP called 'Missing, Loving.

Genre: Post Hardcore, Japanese, Touhou, J Rock, Screamo

Calm Eyes Fixed on Me Screaming : Foreground Eclipse

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 6   450
Tears Will Become Melodies Tonight
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