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Estatic Fear Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-7 of 7 results

Estatic Fear (the first word of their name being a portmanteau of ecstatic and esthetic) is a metal band from Linz, Austria. Their songs include elements of several different genres, such as doom metal, gothic metal, folk and classical music. The band was founded in the year of 1994 with the intent of combining both classical melodies and dark metal in an instrumental mixture of lute, flute, piano and cello.

Genre: Doom Metal, Symphonic Metal, Gothic Metal, Gothic Doom Metal, Metal

Somnium Obmutum : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 6   4,308
Estatic fear
Somnium Obmutum

Chapter 3 : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v4
Tracks: 8   3,893
A Sombre Dance (1999)

Chapter V : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v4
Tracks: 8   3,181
Matthias Kogler
A Sombre Dance

Des Nachens Suss Gedone : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   1,998
Somnium Obmutem

Somnuim Obmutom : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   1,887
Somnuim Obmutom

Chapter VII : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 1   303
A Sombre Dance

Des Nachtens suss Gedone : Estatic Fear

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 1   240
Somnium Obmutum
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