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Crionics Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 10 results

Crionics formed in January 1997 in the city of Krakow, Poland. The first line up was then Waran on vocals, guitars, Yanuary on guitars, Marcotic on bass and Carol on drums. Their goal was to play fast and melodic metal music. A year after the band formed, they recorded five songs for a demo that never saw the light because of its bad production. About six months later the band decided to record a four-song "DEMO 98" which included the following tracks: Mystic Past, Pagan Strength, Black Warriors, and a cover of Emperor - I Am the Black Wizards.

Genre: Black Metal, Blackened Death Metal, Death Metal, Polish, Black Death Metal

Crionics : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   1,165
Human Error

Matrix Of Piety : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   1,123
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Sacrosanct Strength : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   853
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Lunatic Gate : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   813
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Indoctrination Procedure : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   809
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Episode Of The Falling Star : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   804
Human Error

Satanic Syndrome 666 : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   740
Human Error

Hallowed Whores : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   736
Human Error

Waterfalls Of Darkness : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   722
Human Error

Precipice Gaped : Crionics

Guitar Pro Tab v3
Tracks: 1   650
Human Error
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