Crashdïet Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-10 of 11 results
Crashdïet originally formed in Stockholm, Sweden in 2000. Rifts and troubles in the band caused a breakup not long after. In 2002, half of the band took on new members and the band was reformed. They slowly built up a fan base with their shows. In 2004 they released their first single. This was followed by more singles, and being featured in TV commercials for mobile phone service provider "Tre".
Genre: Hard Rock, Glam Rock, Sleaze Rock, Glam Metal, Sleaze
Genre: Hard Rock, Glam Rock, Sleaze Rock, Glam Metal, Sleaze
Chemical : CRASHDÏET
Tracks: 5
Views: 458
Song Author: Martin Sweet Johnny Gunn
Album: Generation Wild
Album: Generation Wild