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Attila Guitar Pro Tabs Showing 0-3 of 3 results

Attila Cornelius Zoller (born June 13, 1927 in Visegrád, Hungary; died January 25, 1998 in Townshend, Vermont) was the first guitarist to discover free jazz and is considered as one of the innovators of modern jazz guitar. As a child, Zoller was taught classical violin by his father, a professional violinist. In his teens, he switched to flugelhorn, then jazz bass, and finally guitar. Zoller quit school during the Russian occupation of Hungary following World War II and began playing professionally in Budapest jazz clubs. .

Genre: Jazz, Guitar, Hungarian, Under 2000 Listeners, Jazz Guitar

Rage : Attila Zoller

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 4   270

Sex Drugs Violence : Attila Zoller

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 10   246
Outlawed August 16th 2011

Soda in the Water Cup : Attila Zoller

Guitar Pro Tab v5
Tracks: 2   184
Soundtrack to a Party
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